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7 | | iamroot.tech - toolbox for dev, admin and UI/UX
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13 | | <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon/favicon-32x32.png?2023121801">
14 | | <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon/favicon-16x16.png?2023121801">
15 | | <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon/favicon.ico?2023121801">
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17 | | <link id="manifest" rel="manifest" />
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19 | | <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png?2023121801">
20 | | <link rel="mask-icon" href="/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg?2023121801" color="#1b1d21">
21 | | <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="iamroot.tech" /><meta name="application-name" content="iamroot.tech" /><meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#1b1d21" />
22 | | <meta name="msapplication-config" content="/favicon/browserconfig.xml?2023121801">
23 | | <meta name="theme-color" content="#1b1d21" /><meta name="GOOGLEBOT" content="NOARCHIVE" /><meta id="metadescription" name="description" content="iamroot.tech is a set of advanced online available tools, focusing on tasks the daily of sysadmins, develeopers and GUI/UI/UX." /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
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28 | | <link rel="canonical" href="https://iamroot.tech/"/>
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34 | | <!-- nifty OnLoad thingy -->
35 | |
36 | |
37 | | // see if DOM is already available
38 | | if (document.readyState === "complete" || document.readyState === "interactive") {
39 | | // call on next available tick
40 | |
41 | |
42 | | document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fn);
43 | |
44 | |
45 | |
46 | | function docComplete(fn) {
47 | | // see if DOM is already available
48 | | if (document.readyState === "complete") {
49 | | // call on next available tick
50 | |
51 | |
52 | | document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fn);
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63 | | <!-- consent and cookies -->
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76 | |
77 | |
78 | | var consentCookieVal = readCookie("ConsentGiven");
79 | |
80 | | if (isNaN(parseInt(consentCookieVal))) {
81 | |
82 | |
83 | |
84 | | returnvar = parseInt(consentCookieVal);
85 | |
86 | |
87 | | console.log("GetConsent - " + returnvar);
88 | |
89 | |
90 | |
91 | |
92 | | function SetConsent(val) {
93 | |
94 | | console.log("docConsent - set " + val);
95 | |
96 | |
97 | | createCookie("ConsentGiven", val, 365, 1);
98 | |
99 | |
100 | |
101 | |
102 | |
103 | |
104 | |
105 | |
106 | | function docConsent(fn) {
107 | |
108 | |
109 | | //if consent is given - execute straight away
110 | | console.log("docConsent - execute");
111 | |
112 | |
113 | |
114 | | else if (GetConsent() == 0) {
115 | |
116 | |
117 | | console.log("docConsent - queued");
118 | |
119 | |
120 | |
121 | | else if (GetConsent() == -1) {
122 | |
123 | |
124 | | console.log("docConsent - skip");
125 | |
126 | |
127 | |
128 | | function docConsentExe() {
129 | |
130 | | //if okay - then execute the queue
131 | |
132 | |
133 | | console.log("docConsent - execute queued");
134 | |
135 | | for (let i = 0; i < ConsentArr.length; i++) {
136 | |
137 | |
138 | |
139 | |
140 | |
141 | |
142 | |
143 | |
144 | | docComplete(function () {
145 | |
146 | |
147 | |
148 | | feedbackPutIntoView("#consent");
149 | |
150 | |
151 | |
152 | |
153 | | function consentFormClickOk() {
154 | |
155 | |
156 | |
157 | |
158 | |
159 | |
160 | |
161 | |
162 | | feedbackEvent('cookie-consent');
163 | |
164 | |
165 | |
166 | |
167 | |
168 | |
169 | |
170 | |
171 | | function createCookie(name, value, days, override) {
172 | |
173 | | if ((override != 1) && (!IsConsent())) {
174 | |
175 | |
176 | |
177 | |
178 | |
179 | |
180 | | if ((days) && (days > 0)) {
181 | |
182 | | date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
183 | | var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
184 | |
185 | |
186 | |
187 | |
188 | | document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
189 | |
190 | |
191 | | function readCookie(name) {
192 | |
193 | | var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
194 | | for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
195 | |
196 | | while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
197 | | if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
198 | |
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212 | | <script defer src="/css/jquery-3.6.0.min.js?2023121801"></script>
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216 | | <script defer src="/css/bootstrap-min.js?2023121801"></script>
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219 | | <script defer src="/css/own.js?2023121801"></script>
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221 | |
222 | | <link defer href="/css/theme-min.css?2023121801" rel="stylesheet">
223 | | <link defer href="/css/tweaks.css?2023121801" rel="stylesheet">
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234 | | <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
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237 | |
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239 | | <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-2M7WFMYR2R"></script>
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243 | |
244 | |
245 | |
246 | | window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
247 | | function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); }
248 | |
249 | | gtag('consent', 'default', {
250 | | 'ad_user_data': 'denied',
251 | | 'ad_personalization': 'denied',
252 | |
253 | | 'analytics_storage': 'denied',
254 | |
255 | |
256 | |
257 | |
258 | |
259 | | gtag('config', 'G-2M7WFMYR2R');
260 | |
261 | |
262 | |
263 | |
264 | |
265 | |
266 | | gtag('consent', 'update', {
267 | | 'ad_user_data': 'granted',
268 | | 'ad_personalization': 'granted',
269 | |
270 | | 'analytics_storage': 'granted'
271 | |
272 | |
273 | |
274 | |
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281 | |
282 | |
283 | | gtag('config', 'AW-1050254940');
284 | |
285 | |
286 | | <!-- Event snippet for 'Website traffic' conversion page -->
287 | |
288 | | gtag('event', 'conversion', { 'send_to': 'AW-1050254940/2C3mCK7D840DENy85vQD' });
289 | |
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298 | | <!-- Hotjar Tracking Code for https://iamroot.tech/ -->
299 | |
300 | |
301 | |
302 | |
303 | |
304 | | (function (h, o, t, j, a, r) {
305 | | h.hj = h.hj || function () { (h.hj.q = h.hj.q || []).push(arguments) };
306 | | h._hjSettings = { hjid: 2817804, hjsv: 6 };
307 | | a = o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
308 | | r = o.createElement('script'); r.async = 1;
309 | | r.src = t + h._hjSettings.hjid + j + h._hjSettings.hjsv;
310 | |
311 | | })(window, document, 'https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-', '.js?sv=');
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328 | | <!-- if loaded on cellphone - add 'cellphone', 'android' and/or 'iphone' classes to body -->
329 | | <!-- make the navbar visible as a last thing, once it has been placed properly -->
330 | |
331 | | function tweakForPhone() {
332 | | if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") > -1) {
333 | | $('body').addClass("cellphone");
334 | | $('body').addClass("android");
335 | |
336 | | else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone") > -1) {
337 | | $('body').addClass("cellphone");
338 | | $('body').addClass("iphone");
339 | |
340 | |
341 | | $('body').removeClass("cellphone");
342 | | $('body').removeClass("iphone");
343 | | $('body').removeClass("android");
344 | |
345 | |
346 | |
347 | | if (($(window).width() >= 1300) /*&& ($('body').hasClass("userAB"))*/) {
348 | | $('#navbar').css("display", "none");
349 | | $('body').removeClass("navbar_isvisible");
350 | |
351 | | $('#sidemenu').css("display", "block");
352 | | $('body').addClass("sidemenu_isvisible");
353 | |
354 | |
355 | | $('#navbar').css("display", "block");
356 | | $('body').addClass("navbar_isvisible");
357 | |
358 | | $('#sidemenu').css("display", "none");
359 | | $('body').removeClass("sidemenu_isvisible");
360 | |
361 | |
362 | |
363 | |
364 | |
365 | |
366 | |
367 | | $(window).resize(function () {
368 | |
369 | |
370 | |
371 | |
372 | |
373 | |
374 | | /* default settings der speeder layoutet lidt op - kan reelt fjernes, for bliver også sat på andre måder */
375 | |
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381 | | @media (min-width: 1300px) {
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398 | |
399 | | <!-- make sure the serviceWorker is up and running for homescreen apps -->
400 | | <!-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38826397/add-to-home-screen-functionality-using-javascript/46037389 -->
401 | | <script async type="text/javascript">
402 | | if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
403 | | //console.log("Will the service worker register?");
404 | | navigator.serviceWorker.register('/favicon/service-worker.js?2023121801')
405 | |
406 | | //console.log("Yes, it did.");
407 | | }).catch(function (err) {
408 | | //console.log("No it didn't. This happened:", err)
409 | |
410 | |
411 | |
412 | |
413 | |
414 | |
415 | |
416 | |
417 | | <!-- if loaded as homescreen app - add 'homescreen' class to body -->
418 | | <!-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41742390/javascript-to-check-if-pwa-or-mobile-web -->
419 | | <script async type="text/javascript">
420 | |
421 | | if (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) {
422 | | console.log("This is running as standalone.");
423 | | $('body').addClass("homescreen");
424 | |
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445 | |
446 | | function textAreaAdjust(element) {
447 | |
448 | | element.style.height = (25 + element.scrollHeight) + "px";
449 | |
450 | |
451 | |
452 | |
453 | |
454 | |
455 | |
456 | |
457 | |
458 | |
459 | |
460 | |
461 | | //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/400212/how-do-i-copy-to-the-clipboard-in-javascript
462 | | // Copies a string to the clipboard. Must be called from within an
463 | | // event handler such as click. May return false if it failed, but
464 | | // this is not always possible. Browser support for Chrome 43+,
465 | | // Firefox 42+, Safari 10+, Edge and Internet Explorer 10+.
466 | | // Internet Explorer: The clipboard feature may be disabled by
467 | | // an administrator. By default a prompt is shown the first
468 | | // time the clipboard is used (per session).
469 | | function copyToClipboard(text) {
470 | | if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) {
471 | | // Internet Explorer-specific code path to prevent textarea being shown while dialog is visible.
472 | | return window.clipboardData.setData("Text", text);
473 | |
474 | |
475 | | else if (document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy")) {
476 | | var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
477 | | textarea.textContent = text;
478 | | textarea.style.position = "fixed"; // Prevent scrolling to bottom of page in Microsoft Edge.
479 | | document.body.appendChild(textarea);
480 | |
481 | |
482 | | return document.execCommand("copy"); // Security exception may be thrown by some browsers.
483 | |
484 | |
485 | | console.warn("Copy to clipboard failed.", ex);
486 | | return prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
487 | |
488 | |
489 | | document.body.removeChild(textarea);
490 | |
491 | |
492 | |
493 | |
494 | | function copy(elm, txt) {
495 | |
496 | |
497 | | if (copyToClipboard(txt)) {
498 | |
499 | | if (org.toUpperCase().indexOf("<IMG")>-1) {
500 | | elm.children[0].src = "/gfx/ok.png";
501 | |
502 | |
503 | | elm.innerHTML = "copied";
504 | |
505 | |
506 | |
507 | | if (org.toUpperCase().indexOf("<IMG") > -1) {
508 | | elm.children[0].src = "/gfx/copy.png";
509 | |
510 | |
511 | |
512 | |
513 | |
514 | |
515 | |
516 | |
517 | |
518 | |
519 | |
520 | |
521 | |
522 | |
523 | |
524 | |
525 | | transition: opacity 0.1s;
526 | |
527 | |
528 | | .copyParent:hover .copyIcon {
529 | | /*display: inline-block;*/
530 | |
531 | |
532 | |
533 | |
534 | |
535 | |
536 | |
537 | |
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567 | |
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569 | |
570 | |
571 | |
572 | |
573 | |
574 | | function addFromInfo(elm, from) {
575 | |
576 | | var url = "/feedback/click.aspx?q=" + from;
577 | |
578 | |
579 | |
580 | |
581 | |
582 | |
583 | |
584 | |
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597 | |
598 | |
599 | |
600 | |
601 | | //inspired by https://uploadcare.com/blog/how-to-make-a-drag-and-drop-file-uploader/
602 | | class DragAndDropUploader {
603 | | constructor(dropAreaId, fileInputId, formId) {
604 | | this.dropArea = document.getElementById(dropAreaId);
605 | | this.fileInput = document.getElementById(fileInputId);
606 | | this.form = document.getElementById(formId);
607 | |
608 | |
609 | | this.handleDrop = this.handleDrop.bind(this);
610 | | this.preventDefaults = this.preventDefaults.bind(this);
611 | | this.addDragOverClass = this.addDragOverClass.bind(this);
612 | | this.removeDragOverClass = this.removeDragOverClass.bind(this);
613 | |
614 | |
615 | |
616 | |
617 | |
618 | |
619 | |
620 | |
621 | |
622 | |
623 | |
624 | |
625 | | const files = e.dataTransfer.files;
626 | |
627 | | this.fileInput.files = files;
628 | | this.form.submit(); // Uncomment if you want to auto-submit the form
629 | |
630 | |
631 | |
632 | |
633 | | this.dropArea.classList.add('drag-over');
634 | |
635 | |
636 | |
637 | | this.dropArea.classList.remove('drag-over');
638 | |
639 | |
640 | |
641 | | // Prevent default behavior for drag and drop events
642 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('dragover', this.preventDefaults);
643 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('dragenter', this.preventDefaults);
644 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('dragleave', this.preventDefaults);
645 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('drop', this.preventDefaults);
646 | |
647 | |
648 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('drop', this.handleDrop);
649 | |
650 | | // Add/Remove 'drag-over' class on drag events
651 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('dragover', this.addDragOverClass);
652 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('dragleave', this.removeDragOverClass);
653 | | this.dropArea.addEventListener('drop', this.removeDragOverClass);
654 | |
655 | | var style = document.createElement('style');
656 | |
657 | | style.innerHTML = '.drag-over { background-color: #ccc; }';
658 | | document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style);
659 | |
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665 | |
666 | | <body class=" userB sidemenu_isvisible">
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676 | | background-color: #2e353d;
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684 | | /*background-color: #23282e;*/
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690 | | .nav-side-menu .toggle-btn {
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702 | | .nav-side-menu ul .collapsed .arrow:before{
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711 | | .nav-side-menu ul :not(collapsed) .arrow:before,
712 | | .nav-side-menu li :not(collapsed) .arrow:before {
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720 | | .nav-side-menu ul .active,
721 | | .nav-side-menu li .active {
722 | | border-left: 3px solid #d19b3d;
723 | | background-color: #4f5b69;
724 | |
725 | | .nav-side-menu ul .sub-menu li.active,
726 | | .nav-side-menu li .sub-menu li.active {
727 | |
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729 | | .nav-side-menu ul .sub-menu li.active a,
730 | | .nav-side-menu li .sub-menu li.active a {
731 | |
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733 | | .nav-side-menu ul .sub-menu li,
734 | | .nav-side-menu li .sub-menu li {
735 | |
736 | |
737 | | .nav-side-menu ul .sub-menu li:hover,
738 | | .nav-side-menu li .sub-menu li:hover {
739 | |
740 | | .nav-side-menu ul .sub-menu li:before,
741 | | .nav-side-menu li .sub-menu li:before {
742 | |
743 | |
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748 | |
749 | | border-left: 3px solid #2e353d;
750 | | border-bottom: 1px solid #23282e;
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760 | |
761 | | .nav-side-menu li:hover {
762 | | border-left: 3px solid #d19b3d;
763 | | background-color: #4f5b69;
764 | | -webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
765 | | -moz-transition: all 1s ease;
766 | | -o-transition: all 1s ease;
767 | | -ms-transition: all 1s ease;
768 | |
769 | |
770 | | .nav-side-menu li:hover img {
771 | |
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773 | | transition: all 0.2s ease;
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776 | | .nav-side-menu .menu-list .menu-content {
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792 | | background-color: #151517;
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812 | | border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
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818 | | .nav-side-menu li:hover {
819 | |
820 | |
821 | | background-color: #4f5b69;
822 | | -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease;
823 | | -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease;
824 | | -o-transition: all 0.5s ease;
825 | | -ms-transition: all 0.5s ease;
826 | | transition: all 0.5s ease;
827 | | background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
828 | |
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830 | |
831 | | .nav-side-menu .current:hover {
832 | | background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
833 | |
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841 | | .nav-side-menu li a:hover {
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849 | | @media (min-width: 1300px) {
850 | |
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854 | | transition: all 0.5s ease;
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858 | | transition: all 0.5s ease;
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864 | | body.sidemenu_isvisible {
865 | |
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875 | | @media (min-width: 1300px) {
876 | | body.sidemenu_isvisible .container {
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881 | | @media (min-width: 1400px) {
882 | | body.sidemenu_isvisible .container {
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887 | | @media (min-width: 1500px) {
888 | | body.sidemenu_isvisible .container {
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893 | | @media (min-width: 1700px) {
894 | | body.sidemenu_isvisible .container {
895 | |
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899 | | @media (min-width: 1800px) {
900 | | body.sidemenu_isvisible .container {
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905 | | @media (min-width: 1900px) {
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995 | | <div class="nav-side-menu" id="sidemenu" style="display: none;">
996 | | <div class="brand"><a href="/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="/favicon/favicon-32x32.png?2023121801" style="height: 32px; width: 32px; margin-right: 5px;" alt="iamroot.tech logo"/>iamroot.tech</a></div>
997 | | <button type="button" class="toggle-btn collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#menu-content" aria-expanded="false">
998 | | <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
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1005 | | <a href="#">Frontpage</a>
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1017 | | <div class="small" style="margin-top: -8px;">
1018 | | <a href="https://iamroot.tech/user/frontpage/">login</a>
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1020 | | <a href="https://iamroot.tech/about/api">api</a>
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1022 | | <a href="https://iamroot.tech/about/newsletter">newsletter</a>
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1024 | | <a href="https://iamroot.tech/about/">about</a>
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1031 | | <ul id="menu-content" class="menu-content collapse out">
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1039 | | <li style="margin-top: 30px;"><b>Internet tools</b></li>
1040 | |
1041 | |
1042 | | <a href="/dns-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="DNS lookup / nslookup / DIG of DNS records. An online tool for DNS lookups. By default recursive lookups querying the authoritative name servers. Lookups on specific DNS resolvers are also possible. Additionally, it will look up secondary records and output a full log of what was done on a technical level." class="truncate">
1043 | | <img src="/gfx/dnslookup.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="DNS lookup" />DNS lookup<div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1044 | |
1045 | |
1046 | |
1047 | |
1048 | | <a href="/dns-propagation/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Check how DNS records are propagated throughout the world. It will start by examining the authoritative name servers and compare the records with the results from over 20 DNS servers worldwide." class="truncate">
1049 | | <img src="/gfx/dnspropagation.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="DNS propagation check" />DNS propagation check
1050 | |
1051 | |
1052 | |
1053 | |
1054 | | <a href="/port-scan/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Scan any IP for any open ports. Includes probing functionality on DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and HTTP protocols if open." class="truncate">
1055 | | <img src="/gfx/portscan.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Port scan + probeing" />Port scan + probeing
1056 | |
1057 | |
1058 | |
1059 | |
1060 | | <a href="/whois/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Perform WHOIS and/or RDAP lookups on domains, IP addresses, and ASNs. Will output all available technical info, contact info, etc." class="truncate">
1061 | | <img src="/gfx/whois.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="WHOIS / RDAP lookup" />WHOIS / RDAP lookup
1062 | |
1063 | |
1064 | |
1065 | |
1066 | | <a href="/http-request-tool/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Perform HTTP/HTTPS requests to any server" class="truncate">
1067 | | <img src="/gfx/httprequest.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="HTTP/S request tool" />HTTP/S request tool
1068 | |
1069 | |
1070 | |
1071 | |
1072 | | <a href="/ssl-certificate-check/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Check details of your SSL certificate and the full chain of certificates." class="truncate">
1073 | | <img src="/gfx/sslcheck.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="TLS/SSL certificate check" />TLS/SSL certificate check<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1074 | |
1075 | |
1076 | |
1077 | |
1078 | | <a href="/dnsbl-blacklist-checker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Check IP or domain against the most common e-mail blacklists." class="truncate">
1079 | | <img src="/gfx/dnsbl.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="E-mail DNSBL blacklist check" />E-mail DNSBL blacklist check
1080 | |
1081 | |
1082 | |
1083 | |
1084 | | <a href="/reverse-dns-ptr-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Perform reverse DNS (rDNS/PTR) lookups of any IP." class="truncate">
1085 | | <img src="/gfx/rdns.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Reverse DNS" />Reverse DNS<div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1086 | |
1087 | |
1088 | |
1089 | |
1090 | | <a href="/cidr/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="IP to CIDR calculation tool with subnet info. The reverse, CIDR ranges to IP addresses, is also possible. Last but not least, it includes a tool for refactoring groups of IPs, domain names, and/or other CIDR ranges." class="truncate">
1091 | | <img src="/gfx/cidr.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="CIDR calculator" />CIDR calculator<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1092 | |
1093 | |
1094 | |
1095 | |
1096 | | <a href="/asndatabase/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Search the comprehensive ASN database for detailed info on peers, prefixes, and IX memberships. Find and check ASNs by name, IP, or CIDR, and access metadata like logos, websites, business descriptions, network types, and statistics." class="truncate">
1097 | | <img src="/gfx/asndatabase.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="ASN database lookup" />ASN database lookup<div class="betaMark">beta</div><div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1098 | |
1099 | |
1100 | |
1101 | |
1102 | | <a href="/whats-my-ip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Check your own IP - both IPv4 and IPv6. Works as a connectivity test as well." class="truncate">
1103 | | <img src="/gfx/myip.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="What is my IPv4 and IPv6?" />What is my IPv4 and IPv6?
1104 | |
1105 | |
1106 | |
1107 | |
1108 | | <a href="/geoip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Online tool GeoIP location of any IP and/or domain." class="truncate">
1109 | | <img src="/gfx/geoip.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="GeoIP location" />GeoIP location
1110 | |
1111 | |
1112 | |
1113 | |
1114 | | <a href="/qrcode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Turn any URL into a scanable QR code." class="truncate">
1115 | | <img src="/gfx/qrcode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="QR code generator" />QR code generator
1116 | |
1117 | |
1118 | |
1119 | |
1120 | | <a href="/ping-tracert/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Ping tool for testing connectivity to a host, measuring response times, jitter, and packet loss. Traceroute maps the full path data takes, showing each hop’s response time, ASN, and geo-info to diagnose network issues." class="truncate">
1121 | | <img src="/gfx/pingtracert.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Ping / traceroute" />Ping / traceroute<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1122 | |
1123 | |
1124 | |
1125 | |
1126 | |
1127 | |
1128 | | <li style="margin-top: 30px;"><b>Dev tools</b></li>
1129 | |
1130 | |
1131 | | <a href="/color-contrast/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Online tool for checking the contrast/readability of two colors - and get hints for optimizing the contrast." class="truncate">
1132 | | <img src="/gfx/colorcontrast.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Color contrast checker" />Color contrast checker
1133 | |
1134 | |
1135 | |
1136 | |
1137 | | <a href="/color-picker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Pick any color - and see info on related colors, contrast colors and different shades." class="truncate">
1138 | | <img src="/gfx/colorpicker.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Color picker" />Color picker
1139 | |
1140 | |
1141 | |
1142 | |
1143 | | <a href="/lorem-ipsum/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Lorem, ipsum generator, with the option of creating text's of different levels of complexity." class="truncate">
1144 | | <img src="/gfx/loremipsum.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Lorem ipsum generator" />Lorem ipsum generator
1145 | |
1146 | |
1147 | |
1148 | |
1149 | | <a href="/urlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Online tool for URLencode and/or URLdecode of any string." class="truncate">
1150 | | <img src="/gfx/urlencode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="URL encode/decode" />URL encode/decode
1151 | |
1152 | |
1153 | |
1154 | |
1155 | | <a href="/htmlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Online tool for HTMLencode and/or HTMLdecode of any string." class="truncate">
1156 | | <img src="/gfx/htmlencode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="HTML encode/decode" />HTML encode/decode
1157 | |
1158 | |
1159 | |
1160 | |
1161 | | <a href="/base64encode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Online tool for BASE64 encoding af binary-to-text, and BASE64 decoding for text-to-binary." class="truncate">
1162 | | <img src="/gfx/base64encode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="BASE64 encode/decode" />BASE64 encode/decode
1163 | |
1164 | |
1165 | |
1166 | |
1167 | | <a href="/hashing/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Online tool for string/file hash encoding using the CRC32, CRC64, MD5, Blake2b, Blake3, Whirlpool, RipeMD, SHA-1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512 algorithms." class="truncate">
1168 | | <img src="/gfx/hashing.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Hash calculator" />Hash calculator
1169 | |
1170 | |
1171 | |
1172 | |
1173 | | <a href="/compression/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Online tool for compression and decompression of text, files, and binary data. Supports Deflate, Gzip, Brotli, LZMA, and Snappy algorithms. Includes a benchmark comparison feature." class="truncate">
1174 | | <img src="/gfx/compression.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Compression util" />Compression util<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1175 | |
1176 | |
1177 | |
1178 | |
1179 | |
1180 | |
1181 | |
1182 | |
1183 | |
1184 | |
1185 | |
1186 | |
1187 | | <li style="margin-top: 30px;"><b>Misc tools</b></li>
1188 | |
1189 | |
1190 | | <a href="/password/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Create passwords of any complexity. Ready to copy and with phonetic nato codes for easy to read out loud." class="truncate">
1191 | | <img src="/gfx/password.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Password generator" />Password generator
1192 | |
1193 | |
1194 | |
1195 | |
1196 | | <a href="/world-clock/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'leftmenu');" title="Beautiful day/night map of the world, with markup of all major cities including local date and time." class="truncate">
1197 | | <img src="/gfx/worldclock.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="World map, day/night + local time" />World map, day/night + local time<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1198 | |
1199 | |
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1207 | | <ul id="menu-content" class="menu-content collapse out" style="bottom: 0px; position: fixed;">
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1225 | | <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top " id="navbar" style="display: none;">
1226 | | <div class="container-fluid" style="margin: 0px;">
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1230 | | <!-- innerlinks if cellphone / menu at bottom -->
1231 | | <div class=" znavbar-collapse collapse " style=" border-bottom: 1px solid #282828; margin-left: -15px; margin-right: -15px; text-align: center;" id="pageNavbarBottom" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="pageNavbarBottom">
1232 | | <div id="innerLinksBottom" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;"></div>
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1237 | | <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
1238 | | <div class="navbar-header">
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1240 | | <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#siteNavbar" aria-expanded="false" onclick="InnerlinksSmHide();">
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1244 | | <button type="button" id="pagenavsm" class="navbar-toggle collapsed cellphone-hidden hidden" onclick="InnerlinksSmShow();" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#pageNavbarTop" aria-expanded="false">
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1248 | | <button type="button" id="pagenavcell" class="navbar-toggle collapsed cellphone-visible hidden" onclick="InnerlinksSmShow();" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#pageNavbarBottom" aria-expanded="false">
1249 | |
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1251 | |
1252 | | <a class="navbar-brand" id="mainLeft" href="/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');"><img src=/favicon/favicon-32x32.png?2023121801" style="height: 20px; width: 20px; float: left; margin-right: 5px;" alt="iamroot.tech logo"/>iamroot.tech</a>
1253 | |
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1255 | |
1256 | | <!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
1257 | | <div class="navbar-collapse collapse" id="siteNavbar" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="siteNavbar">
1258 | |
1259 | | <ul class="nav navbar-nav" id="menuLeft">
1260 | | <li class="hidden-xs dropdown">
1261 | | <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Internet tools</a>
1262 | | <ul class="dropdown-menu">
1263 | |
1264 | |
1265 | | <a href="/dns-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="DNS lookup / nslookup / DIG of DNS records. An online tool for DNS lookups. By default recursive lookups querying the authoritative name servers. Lookups on specific DNS resolvers are also possible. Additionally, it will look up secondary records and output a full log of what was done on a technical level." class="truncate">
1266 | | <img src="/gfx/dnslookup.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="DNS lookup" />DNS lookup<div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1267 | |
1268 | |
1269 | |
1270 | |
1271 | | <a href="/dns-propagation/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check how DNS records are propagated throughout the world. It will start by examining the authoritative name servers and compare the records with the results from over 20 DNS servers worldwide." class="truncate">
1272 | | <img src="/gfx/dnspropagation.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="DNS propagation check" />DNS propagation check
1273 | |
1274 | |
1275 | |
1276 | |
1277 | | <a href="/port-scan/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Scan any IP for any open ports. Includes probing functionality on DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and HTTP protocols if open." class="truncate">
1278 | | <img src="/gfx/portscan.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Port scan + probeing" />Port scan + probeing
1279 | |
1280 | |
1281 | |
1282 | |
1283 | | <a href="/whois/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Perform WHOIS and/or RDAP lookups on domains, IP addresses, and ASNs. Will output all available technical info, contact info, etc." class="truncate">
1284 | | <img src="/gfx/whois.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="WHOIS / RDAP lookup" />WHOIS / RDAP lookup
1285 | |
1286 | |
1287 | |
1288 | |
1289 | | <a href="/http-request-tool/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Perform HTTP/HTTPS requests to any server" class="truncate">
1290 | | <img src="/gfx/httprequest.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="HTTP/S request tool" />HTTP/S request tool
1291 | |
1292 | |
1293 | |
1294 | |
1295 | | <a href="/ssl-certificate-check/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check details of your SSL certificate and the full chain of certificates." class="truncate">
1296 | | <img src="/gfx/sslcheck.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="TLS/SSL certificate check" />TLS/SSL certificate check<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1297 | |
1298 | |
1299 | |
1300 | |
1301 | | <a href="/dnsbl-blacklist-checker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check IP or domain against the most common e-mail blacklists." class="truncate">
1302 | | <img src="/gfx/dnsbl.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="E-mail DNSBL blacklist check" />E-mail DNSBL blacklist check
1303 | |
1304 | |
1305 | |
1306 | |
1307 | | <a href="/reverse-dns-ptr-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Perform reverse DNS (rDNS/PTR) lookups of any IP." class="truncate">
1308 | | <img src="/gfx/rdns.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Reverse DNS" />Reverse DNS<div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1309 | |
1310 | |
1311 | |
1312 | |
1313 | | <a href="/cidr/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="IP to CIDR calculation tool with subnet info. The reverse, CIDR ranges to IP addresses, is also possible. Last but not least, it includes a tool for refactoring groups of IPs, domain names, and/or other CIDR ranges." class="truncate">
1314 | | <img src="/gfx/cidr.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="CIDR calculator" />CIDR calculator<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1315 | |
1316 | |
1317 | |
1318 | |
1319 | | <a href="/asndatabase/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Search the comprehensive ASN database for detailed info on peers, prefixes, and IX memberships. Find and check ASNs by name, IP, or CIDR, and access metadata like logos, websites, business descriptions, network types, and statistics." class="truncate">
1320 | | <img src="/gfx/asndatabase.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="ASN database lookup" />ASN database lookup<div class="betaMark">beta</div><div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1321 | |
1322 | |
1323 | |
1324 | |
1325 | | <a href="/whats-my-ip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check your own IP - both IPv4 and IPv6. Works as a connectivity test as well." class="truncate">
1326 | | <img src="/gfx/myip.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="What is my IPv4 and IPv6?" />What is my IPv4 and IPv6?
1327 | |
1328 | |
1329 | |
1330 | |
1331 | | <a href="/geoip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool GeoIP location of any IP and/or domain." class="truncate">
1332 | | <img src="/gfx/geoip.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="GeoIP location" />GeoIP location
1333 | |
1334 | |
1335 | |
1336 | |
1337 | | <a href="/qrcode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Turn any URL into a scanable QR code." class="truncate">
1338 | | <img src="/gfx/qrcode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="QR code generator" />QR code generator
1339 | |
1340 | |
1341 | |
1342 | |
1343 | | <a href="/ping-tracert/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Ping tool for testing connectivity to a host, measuring response times, jitter, and packet loss. Traceroute maps the full path data takes, showing each hop’s response time, ASN, and geo-info to diagnose network issues." class="truncate">
1344 | | <img src="/gfx/pingtracert.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Ping / traceroute" />Ping / traceroute<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1345 | |
1346 | |
1347 | |
1348 | |
1349 | |
1350 | | <li class="hidden-xs dropdown">
1351 | | <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Dev tools</a>
1352 | | <ul class="dropdown-menu">
1353 | |
1354 | |
1355 | | <a href="/color-contrast/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for checking the contrast/readability of two colors - and get hints for optimizing the contrast." class="truncate">
1356 | | <img src="/gfx/colorcontrast.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Color contrast checker" />Color contrast checker
1357 | |
1358 | |
1359 | |
1360 | |
1361 | | <a href="/color-picker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Pick any color - and see info on related colors, contrast colors and different shades." class="truncate">
1362 | | <img src="/gfx/colorpicker.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Color picker" />Color picker
1363 | |
1364 | |
1365 | |
1366 | |
1367 | | <a href="/lorem-ipsum/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Lorem, ipsum generator, with the option of creating text's of different levels of complexity." class="truncate">
1368 | | <img src="/gfx/loremipsum.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Lorem ipsum generator" />Lorem ipsum generator
1369 | |
1370 | |
1371 | |
1372 | |
1373 | | <a href="/urlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for URLencode and/or URLdecode of any string." class="truncate">
1374 | | <img src="/gfx/urlencode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="URL encode/decode" />URL encode/decode
1375 | |
1376 | |
1377 | |
1378 | |
1379 | | <a href="/htmlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for HTMLencode and/or HTMLdecode of any string." class="truncate">
1380 | | <img src="/gfx/htmlencode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="HTML encode/decode" />HTML encode/decode
1381 | |
1382 | |
1383 | |
1384 | |
1385 | | <a href="/base64encode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for BASE64 encoding af binary-to-text, and BASE64 decoding for text-to-binary." class="truncate">
1386 | | <img src="/gfx/base64encode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="BASE64 encode/decode" />BASE64 encode/decode
1387 | |
1388 | |
1389 | |
1390 | |
1391 | | <a href="/hashing/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for string/file hash encoding using the CRC32, CRC64, MD5, Blake2b, Blake3, Whirlpool, RipeMD, SHA-1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512 algorithms." class="truncate">
1392 | | <img src="/gfx/hashing.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Hash calculator" />Hash calculator
1393 | |
1394 | |
1395 | |
1396 | |
1397 | | <a href="/compression/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for compression and decompression of text, files, and binary data. Supports Deflate, Gzip, Brotli, LZMA, and Snappy algorithms. Includes a benchmark comparison feature." class="truncate">
1398 | | <img src="/gfx/compression.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Compression util" />Compression util<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1399 | |
1400 | |
1401 | |
1402 | |
1403 | |
1404 | | <li class="hidden-xs dropdown">
1405 | | <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Misc tools</a>
1406 | | <ul class="dropdown-menu">
1407 | |
1408 | |
1409 | | <a href="/password/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Create passwords of any complexity. Ready to copy and with phonetic nato codes for easy to read out loud." class="truncate">
1410 | | <img src="/gfx/password.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Password generator" />Password generator
1411 | |
1412 | |
1413 | |
1414 | |
1415 | | <a href="/world-clock/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Beautiful day/night map of the world, with markup of all major cities including local date and time." class="truncate">
1416 | | <img src="/gfx/worldclock.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="World map, day/night + local time" />World map, day/night + local time<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1417 | |
1418 | |
1419 | |
1420 | |
1421 | |
1422 | |
1423 | |
1424 | | <li class="hidden visible-xs text-left MainItem">
1425 | | <b>Internet tools</b><br /><div class="clearfix MainItemContentBox">
1426 | |
1427 | | <a href="/dns-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="DNS lookup / nslookup / DIG of DNS records. An online tool for DNS lookups. By default recursive lookups querying the authoritative name servers. Lookups on specific DNS resolvers are also possible. Additionally, it will look up secondary records and output a full log of what was done on a technical level." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1428 | | <img src="/gfx/dnslookup.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="DNS lookup" />DNS lookup<div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1429 | |
1430 | |
1431 | | <a href="/dns-propagation/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check how DNS records are propagated throughout the world. It will start by examining the authoritative name servers and compare the records with the results from over 20 DNS servers worldwide." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1432 | | <img src="/gfx/dnspropagation.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="DNS propagation check" />DNS propagation check
1433 | |
1434 | |
1435 | | <a href="/port-scan/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Scan any IP for any open ports. Includes probing functionality on DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and HTTP protocols if open." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1436 | | <img src="/gfx/portscan.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Port scan + probeing" />Port scan + probeing
1437 | |
1438 | |
1439 | | <a href="/whois/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Perform WHOIS and/or RDAP lookups on domains, IP addresses, and ASNs. Will output all available technical info, contact info, etc." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1440 | | <img src="/gfx/whois.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="WHOIS / RDAP lookup" />WHOIS / RDAP lookup
1441 | |
1442 | |
1443 | | <a href="/http-request-tool/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Perform HTTP/HTTPS requests to any server" class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1444 | | <img src="/gfx/httprequest.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="HTTP/S request tool" />HTTP/S request tool
1445 | |
1446 | |
1447 | | <a href="/ssl-certificate-check/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check details of your SSL certificate and the full chain of certificates." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1448 | | <img src="/gfx/sslcheck.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="TLS/SSL certificate check" />TLS/SSL certificate check<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1449 | |
1450 | |
1451 | | <a href="/dnsbl-blacklist-checker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check IP or domain against the most common e-mail blacklists." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1452 | | <img src="/gfx/dnsbl.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="E-mail DNSBL blacklist check" />E-mail DNSBL blacklist check
1453 | |
1454 | |
1455 | | <a href="/reverse-dns-ptr-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Perform reverse DNS (rDNS/PTR) lookups of any IP." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1456 | | <img src="/gfx/rdns.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Reverse DNS" />Reverse DNS<div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1457 | |
1458 | |
1459 | | <a href="/cidr/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="IP to CIDR calculation tool with subnet info. The reverse, CIDR ranges to IP addresses, is also possible. Last but not least, it includes a tool for refactoring groups of IPs, domain names, and/or other CIDR ranges." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1460 | | <img src="/gfx/cidr.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="CIDR calculator" />CIDR calculator<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1461 | |
1462 | |
1463 | | <a href="/asndatabase/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Search the comprehensive ASN database for detailed info on peers, prefixes, and IX memberships. Find and check ASNs by name, IP, or CIDR, and access metadata like logos, websites, business descriptions, network types, and statistics." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1464 | | <img src="/gfx/asndatabase.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="ASN database lookup" />ASN database lookup<div class="betaMark">beta</div><div class="updateMark">updated</div>
1465 | |
1466 | |
1467 | | <a href="/whats-my-ip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Check your own IP - both IPv4 and IPv6. Works as a connectivity test as well." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1468 | | <img src="/gfx/myip.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="What is my IPv4 and IPv6?" />What is my IPv4 and IPv6?
1469 | |
1470 | |
1471 | | <a href="/geoip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool GeoIP location of any IP and/or domain." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1472 | | <img src="/gfx/geoip.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="GeoIP location" />GeoIP location
1473 | |
1474 | |
1475 | | <a href="/qrcode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Turn any URL into a scanable QR code." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1476 | | <img src="/gfx/qrcode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="QR code generator" />QR code generator
1477 | |
1478 | |
1479 | | <a href="/ping-tracert/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Ping tool for testing connectivity to a host, measuring response times, jitter, and packet loss. Traceroute maps the full path data takes, showing each hop’s response time, ASN, and geo-info to diagnose network issues." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1480 | | <img src="/gfx/pingtracert.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Ping / traceroute" />Ping / traceroute<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1481 | |
1482 | |
1483 | |
1484 | |
1485 | | <li class="hidden visible-xs text-left MainItem">
1486 | | <b>Dev tools</b><br /><div class="clearfix MainItemContentBox">
1487 | |
1488 | | <a href="/color-contrast/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for checking the contrast/readability of two colors - and get hints for optimizing the contrast." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1489 | | <img src="/gfx/colorcontrast.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Color contrast checker" />Color contrast checker
1490 | |
1491 | |
1492 | | <a href="/color-picker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Pick any color - and see info on related colors, contrast colors and different shades." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1493 | | <img src="/gfx/colorpicker.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Color picker" />Color picker
1494 | |
1495 | |
1496 | | <a href="/lorem-ipsum/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Lorem, ipsum generator, with the option of creating text's of different levels of complexity." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1497 | | <img src="/gfx/loremipsum.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Lorem ipsum generator" />Lorem ipsum generator
1498 | |
1499 | |
1500 | | <a href="/urlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for URLencode and/or URLdecode of any string." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1501 | | <img src="/gfx/urlencode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="URL encode/decode" />URL encode/decode
1502 | |
1503 | |
1504 | | <a href="/htmlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for HTMLencode and/or HTMLdecode of any string." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1505 | | <img src="/gfx/htmlencode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="HTML encode/decode" />HTML encode/decode
1506 | |
1507 | |
1508 | | <a href="/base64encode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for BASE64 encoding af binary-to-text, and BASE64 decoding for text-to-binary." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1509 | | <img src="/gfx/base64encode.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="BASE64 encode/decode" />BASE64 encode/decode
1510 | |
1511 | |
1512 | | <a href="/hashing/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for string/file hash encoding using the CRC32, CRC64, MD5, Blake2b, Blake3, Whirlpool, RipeMD, SHA-1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512 algorithms." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1513 | | <img src="/gfx/hashing.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Hash calculator" />Hash calculator
1514 | |
1515 | |
1516 | | <a href="/compression/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Online tool for compression and decompression of text, files, and binary data. Supports Deflate, Gzip, Brotli, LZMA, and Snappy algorithms. Includes a benchmark comparison feature." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1517 | | <img src="/gfx/compression.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Compression util" />Compression util<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1518 | |
1519 | |
1520 | |
1521 | |
1522 | | <li class="hidden visible-xs text-left MainItem">
1523 | | <b>Misc tools</b><br /><div class="clearfix MainItemContentBox">
1524 | |
1525 | | <a href="/password/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Create passwords of any complexity. Ready to copy and with phonetic nato codes for easy to read out loud." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1526 | | <img src="/gfx/password.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="Password generator" />Password generator
1527 | |
1528 | |
1529 | | <a href="/world-clock/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'topmenu');" title="Beautiful day/night map of the world, with markup of all major cities including local date and time." class="truncate MainItemKids" style="max-width: 150px;">
1530 | | <img src="/gfx/worldclock.png?2023121801" height="20" width="20" border="0" style="margin-top: -3px; margin-right: 8px;" alt="World map, day/night + local time" />World map, day/night + local time<div class="betaMark">beta</div>
1531 | |
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1533 | |
1534 | |
1535 | |
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1537 | |
1538 | | <li class="hidden visible-xs text-left MainItem">
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1571 | |
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1708 | | <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-xl-8 pull-right resultCol">
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1714 | | <div class=" col-sm-12 hidden visible-xs visible-sm">
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1716 | | <div id="innerlinks"></div>
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1724 | | <div class=" col-md-12 ">
1725 | |
1726 | | <h3 innerlink>The tools</h3>
1727 | |
1728 | |
1729 | | <div class="row "><div class="grid">
1730 | | <div class="grid-sizer col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"></div>
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1732 | |
1733 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-8"><div class="grid-item-content--big"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 15px; xline-height: 1;">
1734 | | <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1735 | |
1736 | | <td valign="top" class="hidden-xs"><img src="gfx/dnslookup.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-right: 10px;"></td>
1737 | |
1738 | | <a href="/dns-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagelg'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1739 | | <h4 style="margin: 0px;">DNS lookup<small><div class="updateMark">updated</div></small></h4>
1740 | | <img src="gfx/dnslookup.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; float: right;" class="hidden visible-xs">
1741 | | DNS lookup / nslookup / DIG of DNS records. An online tool for DNS lookups. By default recursive lookups querying the authoritative name servers. Lookups on specific DNS resolvers are also possible. Additionally, it will look up secondary records and output a full log of what was done on a technical level.
1742 | |
1743 | |
1744 | |
1745 | |
1746 | | <td class="hidden-xs"> </td>
1747 | |
1748 | |
1749 | | <br /><div class="small discrete">===<br />2025-02-05: An API endpoint for the DNS lookup tool has been made available.</div>
1750 | |
1751 | |
1752 | |
1753 | |
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1755 | |
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1758 | |
1759 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content--medium"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1760 | | <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1761 | |
1762 | | <td valign="top" class="hidden-xs"><img src="gfx/dnspropagation.png" height="45" width="45" border="0" style="margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></td>
1763 | |
1764 | | <img src="gfx/dnspropagation.png?2023121801" height="45" width="45" border="0" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; float: right;" class="hidden visible-xs">
1765 | | <a href="/dns-propagation/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagemd'); "" style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1766 | | <h5>DNS propagation check</h5>
1767 | | Check how DNS records are propagated throughout the world. It will start by examining the authoritative name servers and compare the records with the results from over 20 DNS servers worldwide.
1768 | |
1769 | |
1770 | |
1771 | |
1772 | |
1773 | |
1774 | |
1775 | |
1776 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1777 | | <a href="/port-scan/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1778 | | <h5>Port scan + probeing</h5>
1779 | | <small>Scan any IP for any open ports. Includes probing functionality on DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and HTTP protocols if open.</small>
1780 | |
1781 | |
1782 | |
1783 | |
1784 | |
1785 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-8"><div class="grid-item-content--big"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 15px; xline-height: 1;">
1786 | | <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1787 | |
1788 | | <td valign="top" class="hidden-xs"><img src="gfx/whois.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-right: 10px;"></td>
1789 | |
1790 | | <a href="/whois/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagelg'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1791 | | <h4 style="margin: 0px;">WHOIS / RDAP lookup<small></small></h4>
1792 | | <img src="gfx/whois.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; float: right;" class="hidden visible-xs">
1793 | | Perform WHOIS and/or RDAP lookups on domains, IP addresses, and ASNs. Will output all available technical info, contact info, etc.
1794 | |
1795 | |
1796 | |
1797 | |
1798 | | <td class="hidden-xs"> </td>
1799 | |
1800 | |
1801 | |
1802 | |
1803 | |
1804 | |
1805 | |
1806 | |
1807 | |
1808 | |
1809 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1810 | | <a href="/http-request-tool/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1811 | | <h5>HTTP/S request tool</h5>
1812 | | <small>Perform HTTP/HTTPS requests to any server</small>
1813 | |
1814 | |
1815 | |
1816 | |
1817 | |
1818 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content--medium"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1819 | | <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1820 | |
1821 | | <td valign="top" class="hidden-xs"><img src="gfx/sslcheck.png" height="45" width="45" border="0" style="margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></td>
1822 | |
1823 | | <img src="gfx/sslcheck.png?2023121801" height="45" width="45" border="0" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; float: right;" class="hidden visible-xs">
1824 | | <a href="/ssl-certificate-check/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagemd'); "" style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1825 | | <h5>TLS/SSL certificate check<div class="betaMark">beta</div></h5>
1826 | | Check details of your SSL certificate and the full chain of certificates.
1827 | |
1828 | |
1829 | |
1830 | |
1831 | |
1832 | |
1833 | |
1834 | |
1835 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1836 | | <a href="/dnsbl-blacklist-checker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1837 | | <h5>E-mail DNSBL blacklist check</h5>
1838 | | <small>Check IP or domain against the most common e-mail blacklists.</small>
1839 | |
1840 | |
1841 | |
1842 | |
1843 | |
1844 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1845 | | <a href="/reverse-dns-ptr-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1846 | | <h5>Reverse DNS<div class="updateMark">updated</div></h5>
1847 | | <small>Perform reverse DNS (rDNS/PTR) lookups of any IP.</small>
1848 | |
1849 | |
1850 | |
1851 | |
1852 | |
1853 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-8"><div class="grid-item-content--big"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 15px; xline-height: 1;">
1854 | | <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1855 | |
1856 | | <td valign="top" class="hidden-xs"><img src="gfx/cidr.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-right: 10px;"></td>
1857 | |
1858 | | <a href="/cidr/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagelg'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1859 | | <h4 style="margin: 0px;">CIDR calculator<small><div class="betaMark">beta</div></small></h4>
1860 | | <img src="gfx/cidr.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; float: right;" class="hidden visible-xs">
1861 | | IP to CIDR calculation tool with subnet info. The reverse, CIDR ranges to IP addresses, is also possible. Last but not least, it includes a tool for refactoring groups of IPs, domain names, and/or other CIDR ranges.
1862 | |
1863 | |
1864 | |
1865 | |
1866 | | <td class="hidden-xs"> </td>
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1876 | |
1877 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1878 | | <a href="/color-contrast/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1879 | | <h5>Color contrast checker</h5>
1880 | | <small>Online tool for checking the contrast/readability of two colors - and get hints for optimizing the contrast.</small>
1881 | |
1882 | |
1883 | |
1884 | |
1885 | |
1886 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1887 | | <a href="/color-picker/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1888 | |
1889 | | <small>Pick any color - and see info on related colors, contrast colors and different shades.</small>
1890 | |
1891 | |
1892 | |
1893 | |
1894 | |
1895 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1896 | | <a href="/password/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1897 | | <h5>Password generator</h5>
1898 | | <small>Create passwords of any complexity. Ready to copy and with phonetic nato codes for easy to read out loud.</small>
1899 | |
1900 | |
1901 | |
1902 | |
1903 | |
1904 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1905 | | <a href="/lorem-ipsum/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1906 | | <h5>Lorem ipsum generator</h5>
1907 | | <small>Lorem, ipsum generator, with the option of creating text's of different levels of complexity.</small>
1908 | |
1909 | |
1910 | |
1911 | |
1912 | |
1913 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1914 | | <a href="/world-clock/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1915 | | <h5>World map, day/night + local time<div class="betaMark">beta</div></h5>
1916 | | <small>Beautiful day/night map of the world, with markup of all major cities including local date and time.</small>
1917 | |
1918 | |
1919 | |
1920 | |
1921 | |
1922 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-8"><div class="grid-item-content--big"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 15px; xline-height: 1;">
1923 | | <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1924 | |
1925 | | <td valign="top" class="hidden-xs"><img src="gfx/asndatabase.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-right: 10px;"></td>
1926 | |
1927 | | <a href="/asndatabase/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagelg'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1928 | | <h4 style="margin: 0px;">ASN database lookup<small><div class="betaMark">beta</div><div class="updateMark">updated</div></small></h4>
1929 | | <img src="gfx/asndatabase.png?2023121801" height0="60" width="60" border="0" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; float: right;" class="hidden visible-xs">
1930 | | Search the comprehensive ASN database for detailed info on peers, prefixes, and IX memberships. Find and check ASNs by name, IP, or CIDR, and access metadata like logos, websites, business descriptions, network types, and statistics.
1931 | |
1932 | |
1933 | |
1934 | |
1935 | | <td class="hidden-xs"> </td>
1936 | |
1937 | |
1938 | | <br /><div class="small discrete">===<br />2025-02-05: Several companies operate multiple ASNs, and the ASN database now includes information on these ASN associations and operational ties. Feature suggested by user <a href="https://www.laodc.com" target="_blank">LaoDC</a> - appreciate the feedback and ideas!</div>
1939 | |
1940 | |
1941 | |
1942 | |
1943 | |
1944 | |
1945 | |
1946 | |
1947 | |
1948 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1949 | | <a href="/urlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1950 | | <h5>URL encode/decode</h5>
1951 | | <small>Online tool for URLencode and/or URLdecode of any string.</small>
1952 | |
1953 | |
1954 | |
1955 | |
1956 | |
1957 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1958 | | <a href="/htmlencode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1959 | | <h5>HTML encode/decode</h5>
1960 | | <small>Online tool for HTMLencode and/or HTMLdecode of any string.</small>
1961 | |
1962 | |
1963 | |
1964 | |
1965 | |
1966 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1967 | | <a href="/base64encode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1968 | | <h5>BASE64 encode/decode</h5>
1969 | | <small>Online tool for BASE64 encoding af binary-to-text, and BASE64 decoding for text-to-binary.</small>
1970 | |
1971 | |
1972 | |
1973 | |
1974 | |
1975 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1976 | | <a href="/hashing/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1977 | |
1978 | | <small>Online tool for string/file hash encoding using the CRC32, CRC64, MD5, Blake2b, Blake3, Whirlpool, RipeMD, SHA-1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512 algorithms.</small>
1979 | |
1980 | |
1981 | |
1982 | |
1983 | |
1984 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1985 | | <a href="/compression/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1986 | | <h5>Compression util<div class="betaMark">beta</div></h5>
1987 | | <small>Online tool for compression and decompression of text, files, and binary data. Supports Deflate, Gzip, Brotli, LZMA, and Snappy algorithms. Includes a benchmark comparison feature.</small>
1988 | |
1989 | |
1990 | |
1991 | |
1992 | |
1993 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
1994 | | <a href="/whats-my-ip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
1995 | | <h5>What is my IPv4 and IPv6?</h5>
1996 | | <small>Check your own IP - both IPv4 and IPv6. Works as a connectivity test as well.</small>
1997 | |
1998 | |
1999 | |
2000 | |
2001 | |
2002 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
2003 | | <a href="/geoip/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
2004 | |
2005 | | <small>Online tool GeoIP location of any IP and/or domain.</small>
2006 | |
2007 | |
2008 | |
2009 | |
2010 | |
2011 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
2012 | | <a href="/qrcode/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagesm'); " style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
2013 | | <h5>QR code generator</h5>
2014 | | <small>Turn any URL into a scanable QR code.</small>
2015 | |
2016 | |
2017 | |
2018 | |
2019 | |
2020 | | <div class="grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"><div class="grid-item-content--medium"><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body" style="background-color: #181818; padding: 10px; line-height: 1;">
2021 | | <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
2022 | |
2023 | | <td valign="top" class="hidden-xs"><img src="gfx/pingtracert.png" height="45" width="45" border="0" style="margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></td>
2024 | |
2025 | | <img src="gfx/pingtracert.png?2023121801" height="45" width="45" border="0" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; float: right;" class="hidden visible-xs">
2026 | | <a href="/ping-tracert/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagemd'); "" style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">
2027 | | <h5>Ping / traceroute<div class="betaMark">beta</div></h5>
2028 | | Ping tool for testing connectivity to a host, measuring response times, jitter, and packet loss. Traceroute maps the full path data takes, showing each hop’s response time, ASN, and geo-info to diagnose network issues.
2029 | |
2030 | |
2031 | |
2032 | |
2033 | |
2034 | |
2035 | |
2036 | |
2037 | |
2038 | |
2039 | |
2040 | | <script src="/css/masonry.pkgd.js?2023121801"></script>
2041 | |
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2055 | | padding-top: 30px !important;
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2060 | | padding-top: 30px !important;
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2065 | | .grid-item .panel-body table {
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2071 | | background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.1) !important;
2072 | | transition: all 0.5s ease;
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2078 | | var elem = document.querySelector('.grid');
2079 | | var msnry = new Masonry(elem, {
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2081 | | itemSelector: '.grid-item',
2082 | | columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
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2090 | | //setTimeout("mason();", 1000);
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2110 | | <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-xl-4 pull-right queryCol ">
2111 | |
2112 | | <h1 innerlink>What is iamroot.tech?</h1>
2113 | |
2114 | | <div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body">
2115 | | iamroot.tech is a set of advanced and detailed online available tools centered around admin,
2116 | | development and GUI/UI/UX tasks.<br /><br />
2117 | |
2118 | | The need for this grew out of my day job as a fullstack developer and systems administrator.
2119 | | I needed a set of fast and reliable tools, with advanced options for me to tweak, clear
2120 | | and understandable results, and without having to deal with tons of ads and useless info
2121 | | added, just to make it look fancy.<br /><br />
2122 | |
2123 | | The tools have been extremely useful to me , and I hope they will serve you as well.<br /><br />
2124 | |
2125 | |
2126 | |
2127 | |
2128 | |
2129 | |
2130 | |
2131 | | <div class="x-hidden-sm x-hidden-xs x-discrete"> <h3 innerlink>Feedback</h3><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body">These tools are still in active development. If you have any kind of feedback, please let me know. Send me an e-mail on iamrootdottech(a)gmail.com.</div></div></div>
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2133 | | <div class="whiteLinks"> <h3 innerlink>Changelog</h3><div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body"><b>2025-02-05 - <a href="https://iamroot.tech/asndatabase/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagechangelog'); ">Info on ASN associations added</a></b> - Several companies operate multiple ASNs, and the ASN database now includes information on these ASN associations and operational ties. Feature suggested by user <a href="https://www.laodc.com" target="_blank">LaoDC</a> - appreciate the feedback and ideas!<br /><br /><b>2025-02-05 - <a href="https://iamroot.tech/reverse-dns-ptr-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagechangelog'); ">rDNS / PTR lookup tool improvements</a></b> - Better NONEXISTENT handling implementet.<br /><br /><b>2025-02-05 - <a href="https://iamroot.tech/dns-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagechangelog'); ">New API endpoint for DNS lookups</a></b> - An API endpoint for the DNS lookup tool has been made available.<br /><br /><b>2025-02-05 - <a href="https://iamroot.tech/dns-lookup/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagechangelog'); ">DNS lookup log rework</a></b> - In preparation of a DNS lookup API, the logging of the DNS lookup tool has been entirely reworked.<br /><br /><b>2025-01-31 - <a href="https://iamroot.tech/user/frontpage/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagechangelog'); ">User signup using email on hold</a></b> - Due to misuse, signup using email has been temporarily disabled. Sign-up using the OAuth options is still available.<br /><br /><b>2025-01-31 - <a href="https://iamroot.tech/user/frontpage/" OnClick="addFromInfo(this, 'frontpagechangelog'); ">User creation bugfix</a></b> - User Adam M did point out some issues on the creation of new users - has been solved. Appriciate the feedback.<br /><br /><b>2025-01-23 - Additional patching</b> - User <a href="https://x.com/faizan_k1" target="_blank">Faizan Khalid</a> pointed out some issues in need of patching, prompting sitewide updates. I really appreciate the help!<br /><br /></div></div></div>
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